Girlfriends & Tokki's Creative Creation

Received a sweet Whatsapp message from Eunice after she spent her satisfying birthday weekend with us and her loved ones. I am glad that she has a fond, joyful memory to keep of this year!

I've forgotten to post what gifts I got her, so here are some pics! I was just thinking that a 19 year old can never have enough fashion accessories, so, I got her some! I adore the paper bag that I got cos' it has me, the Tokki, on the print, plus, other cute animals that I love! I loved that paper bag so much and thought it was cute! /(^x^)\

I had a rough start for this week but I am blessed for my girlfriends, sometimes, they just know what to say without knowing how I feel at that exact moment. For this, I stay grateful and will continue to always find something about every day to smile about! (^__^) What better way to do than be in control of my own emotions! <3 Fighting yah!
I spent my weekend the other time trying to release my creative flow. I have totally forgotten about my dance class cos' I was extremely tired from the party the previous night. So, I spent some time sitting down at home and tried coming up with ideas for a character development of what Tokki from Borealis would look like!
I know I shouldn't add human ears on her cos she has bunny ears already, so, I'll have to modify that once I can come up with a solid vision for Borealis' Tokki. And I figured I shouldn't put a face on her, so, I opted for a solid, opaque mask. I don't want her face to be shown cos' I feel it's best to not show her facial expressions or how she really look like. The best phrase I could use for this would be from Transfomers' theme song, "There's more than meets the eye". So yeah! I guess, it's good for protection cos Tokki has grown to show expression easily nowadays too.
(.__.  );

I'm feeling like another story of Borealis should be posted soon. We will see if I have the time yah!

I have so many thoughts and poetries to pen down and itching to turn them into songs. I wish I have a laptop now. I miss producing music at any random span of time and just come up with a song that comes from me whenever I feel like it. I miss spending my alone time with you both, Fruityloops and Pro Tools! (T_T); 

I want to expressssss so much! Sigh!

Tokki Tiff

"Strong enough to leave you. But weak enough to need you. Cared enough to let you walk away"



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