It is a wonderful feeling to be in talking terms with a few of my former secondary schoolmates in Singapore. Not that we had an argument in the past, it was all due to my move from Singapore to Brunei that made us drift away.
But these are some of the friends who I dearly care for since I was 13. Even if we didn't talk much as we all grew up, one thing that's for sure is that I've never stopped thinking about them <3
Thanks for breaking the silence. It's nice to have you all around in my everyday life again.. even at a distance.
I love and miss you all so much!
If He permits, we will surely meet again. I can feel it in my toes! Lols!
Myra had a little potluck gathering at her pretty house and since I couldn't be there in Singapore, we had to Oovoo it and they had me on videochat to join in the picture of their selfie-welfie sessions! Lol XD
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