New job & my 'L' licence is here!

It's my 2nd week at my new job and I've been learning quite a lot of new things as I progress with this company. I hope that the new challenges and experiences will result in me being a better person!

I do miss my old job and the people I get to see everyday but a professional change is due. In order for me to find out how far I can go, and what are the types of achievements I can get, I really need to explore this new stage in my work life.

So, let's hope for the best!

In other news, looky looky here! See what I have with me!

Instagram media by tiff_ag - Yay

My first practical lesson starts August 1st, THAT's after the whole festive days of celebrating Raya (Eid). Now that I brought that up, can you believe that a whole Ramadhan month has gone by? I can't believe it cos it felt like it jusssst started!!  

Alhamdulillah, my fast this year has been peaceful.

Syawal is just around the corner. It makes me sad that I won't be able to go home, our currency has gotten so bad- the decrease in currency has affected a lot of people when the news was announced last month. Then, the rise of gas prices last week has been atrocious, how can anyone be so evil to do that during the festive holidays here!? ON TOP OF THAT, the newly implemented GST has changed the society's mind when it comes to spending.

I am sad about our economy.

Other than that, I'm pleased with the progresses I've been putting in action so far.

Till the next post :)

Have a good week everyone!




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