What's good in good?

What's the use of being Ms Nice Girl when being good does not make situations easier? Should that person be the opposite of good? OR continue to be good and be stepped on, literally, be a doormat again?

Personally, I have battled with this issue and this has got me thinking.

Here you are thinking it will please people and make people's lives easy by not worrying a lot about petty things and not bringing up topics that would make people overthink. But only to end up getting miserably taken for granted by the people you love the most.

Especially when it comes from people who are family and are like family.

So, here's my question, should we TRY so hard to have a better, healthy and wise mindset towards life and everything that comes along with it? If that's not working, shouldn't we just be carefree and not worry about every little mistake done in life? Can we be a little silly, bad and not care about what others think about us? Can we not be SO careful? :c

But that's the thing about me, I get scared of hurting others or what others think about me, especially those I'm extremely close to.

I used to think ignoring anything that could possibly open up a heated argument could ease situations down, but that's not good, yeah? That's like accumulating anything that was meant to be said into an even bigger argument.

-shakes head- That's not good, at all.

These are just a few things I am reflecting on. Wondering if I should continue to care about what others think of me when they don't even care about what I think of them.

Deep down inside, I still feel it's not right to suddenly do things of the extreme opposite, but then again, WHAT DO I KNOW?!

I am just a bunny. A Tokki is me.




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