Herru herru!
Happy Eid Mubarak & Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all friends and family celebrating today!
Unfortunately for me, I am working today and I can't be in Singapore to celebrate. Really missing out on today, feeling bummed out about it but it's okay. I am grateful for lots of things, especially the animals that have sacrificed their lives for us, in order for us to move this universe in cycle and circling around continuously!

Here's a collage of me I took last week, haven't worn a bold lip in a while, wore an outfit that was in all ivory white! (^__^)

I've yet to shop for a new outfit for myself and we're deciding on a soft peach/salmon color, while the bride-to-be will be wearing white.
I need to get dresses that look like these!

I've gotten the cakes sorted out. Thanks to my colleague, Renee, for the recommendation and I got a real good price on it that I'm planning to get two cakes! I have other things KINDA sorted out, but will definitely be waiting for the girls to get here so we can get it all done together!
I've been catching up on a lot of series and some movies! I watched the first season of Breaking Bad, omg, this series was so intense and crazy! The first episode of Castle was kind of slow, I wasn't paying much attention on it, guess it didn't get me hooked on it. Once Upon a Time never fails to keep me sitting at the edge of my seat. I can't wait for more episodes on How I Met Your Mother. Wooo!
And OF COURSE, I watched the latest Running Man episode! I love when their episodes have roleplay in them! Kwang Soo had to be a school girl/spy policewoman, named, Kwang Ja! LMAO XD

I am contemplating on whether I should join an indie band and sing all kinds of songs from any genre! Just so I could release creative juices and have an outlet to release emotions. I will be meeting some of them later this evening, so that's exciting.
I have so many thoughts in my mind about many other things and I hope to talk more about it when I have more time to do so.
I hope everybody is doing well yah! (^__^)v
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