It's very chaotic here in my country. We are all hoping that we'll be getting some kind of update about the status of MH370.
It's so unfortunate how something like this could happen to a Boeing 777 plane. I mean, it has the possibility to have some sort of complications, everything does, but black boxes don't just get disconnected out of nowhere.
We have seen and heard of disastrous airplane cases that have gone through horrible crashes, explosion and collisions, what have you, yet.. their black boxes stay intact with data needed to show proof what went down.
This is just.. too crazy. Energies being let out where I am are very worrisome yet filled with hope that all of them will be located soon. We can all unite to send our positive thoughts and prayers to all of the 239 passengers and crew.
I have no say that I can relate to a chaos such as this, but my heart breaks and beats for this news.
We hope to locate you, MH370!
Stay strong, Malaysia.
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